Thursday, May 10, 2012

Medical update

I have so many blog posts floating around in my head, but I'm either too busy or too exhausted to post them most days. Today, I thought I'd update what we know medically, since that's what I seem to get the most questions about. Some of this may be duplicate posting because I can't remember what I have posted already and what I have only thought about posting and I don't feel like reading back over my older posts to find out :-).
Currently, I am taking medication that keeps my convulsions under control, so I am no longer struggling with that aspect of the illness. I do have tremors at times, and get easily exhausted, but seem to be doing physically better and better. Emotionally, I'm struggling. Some days are better than others. I'm not sure how much of that has to do with my illness and how much of it has to do with the myriad of other things that have seemed to all hit at the same time, but I try to remember that this too will get better. One way or another, it will get better. As I peel each piece of the emotional onion away, eventually the pain will be gone and there will be victory and confidence in its place. Baby steps.
Back to the physical part of my life. One of the possible culprits we are looking at for my symptoms is MS. There are 3 tests that typically determine whether a person has MS or not. I've had all three, but am waiting for some of the results back. The MRI says I might have MS. So far, the results that have come back from the spinal tap (they come trickling in, every couple of days) are all negative for MS indicators, meaning my levels are normal in all areas tested so far. The third test is the Visual Evoked Potential. I had that done in Sacramento on Monday and do not have the results back yet.
I have an appointment with my neurologist on Wednesday the 16th to discuss whatever the results may be. If the VEP is negative for MS, I have no idea what our next step is. She wouldn't say last time I was in the office. She just said "Let's wait and see what the tests show." So we are waiting and looking forward to seeing :-).

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