Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Yesterday was a tough day for me. After my anxiety attack on Sunday, a lost friendship and other things that happened over the last few days, I was feeling beat up and useless. During this journey over the last few months, God has blessed me with an incredible amount of support and locally, He has given me four people who have known every sordid detail, who have witnessed every single crisis, and who have chosen to walk through it all with me. For that, I am immensely grateful! But yesterday, feeling so unworthy and unloveable, I began to wonder why. Why have they stuck by me? Why didn't they run away when others did? Why didn't they throw me away when I had nothing left to offer them? I asked one of them that point blank and the response I got was short and to the point. "Because I love you and nothing's going to change that. Now quit over-analyzing, k." I've thought about this comment quite a bit over the last twenty-four hours (yes. I do see the irony in analyzing that comment, lol.) What is love? I'm not talking about romantic love. I'm talking about true love between friends. I truly believe that true love is a commitment, a commitment to walk beside someone on their good days and their bad, during their mountaintops and their valleys. Right now, I may have little to offer my friends, but there will come a time when our roles are reversed and I will be there for them. True friendship, in my opinion, isn't about what you can get from the relationship. It's about commitment. And that's what love is all about.

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