Thursday, October 6, 2011

Lies vs. Truth

I had an interesting, eye-opening experience yesterday. In order for it to make sense, I need to share some of what I learned in Victory over the Darkness. One of the chapters I read dealt with spiritual warfare, how the enemy places lies in our heads and the only way to fight them is with the Truth. Neil Anderson wrote:
"Because Satan's primary weapon is the lie, your defense against him is the truth. Dealing with Satan is not a power encounter; it is a truth encounter. When you expose Satan's lie with God's truth, his power is broken." p.162
He goes on to talk about how many of us hear voices in our heads but don't admit it because we don't want others to think we're crazy. Now, I'm not talking about other people voices. I'm talking about thoughts that although they sound like ours, do not come from us. I thought about that and found it interesting, but did not see myself as part of the "voice hearing" group.
Fast-forward to yesterday evening. I got into my car to go visit a friend. As I was thinking about this visit, a thought I had triggered some guilt and immediately my brain was filled with: "You are EVIL, EVIL, EVIL!" I was taken aback by it because in that moment I realized that yes, indeed, I do hear "voices" in my head that are filled with lies. I remembered what Dr. Anderson had written and responded: "Actually, the Bible says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, so you are WRONG!" To my astonishment, the accusatory thoughts stopped and I proceeded along on my way. Just a few days ago, I would have been a basket case by the time I got to my friend's house because I would have continued to beat myself up over and over and over again. But this time, the Truth set me free! Praise the Lord for freedom in Christ!

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