Thursday, October 20, 2011

A miracle!

The news came down today that Jason will not be losing his job after all. For the last two weeks, we knew it would take a miracle for Jason to keep his job. Last night, I read the kids the story of Jesus casting the demons "Legion" out of the man and into the herd of pigs. We talked about the incredible power Jesus had to have to do something like that. A few minutes later, I walked into James' room and he was praying out loud. Now James doesn't usually like to pray at night. He almost always says he has nothing to say. But last night he was praying as I entered the room. He said amen then turned to me and said: "Maybe it'll work, Mom!" I said, "What will work, honey?" "My prayer. I prayed that Daddy wouldn't lose his job and that he wouldn't get a pay cut but that he'd get a RAISE instead!" I smiled at my boy, who understood that if Jesus could throw a legion of demons out of a man, He certainly could save his daddy's job and get him a raise to boot! We talked about the fact that God was more than capable of that, but that it might not be His will, but that no matter what, we knew that whatever God had in store was the best for us, even if it was hard.
Today, God decided to give James a yes. Well, not to the raise part, as far as I know, but to Jason keeping his job and I am stunned. Stunned, not because I didn't think God could do it. I knew without a doubt that He could, but I really thought that this was a time when God had something else in store for us and that we were about to face some really tough times. And so I sit here dazed. I do not understand why God has decided to bless us so incredibly much, but I bow my knees before Him and sing His praises. I am so thankful on so many fronts, thankful for the little things, like the fact we won't have to move to a smaller apartment, and that I won't have to tell Gabby she has to give up gymnastics. And I'm thankful for the big things, like the fact that I can continue my mental health treatment, that I can see a doctor about my PMDD and that we have some time to put our financial house in order. I pray, oh, Lord I pray, that we will be worthy stewards of the tremendous blessings God has bestowed on us! Every dime we have and every breath we take is something that God has granted us and I pray that I never forget that. Everything I have and everything I am, I owe to Him. May I use it all for His glory!

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